Thursday, November 7, 2013

Stress......But Tons of Fun!!!

Blog time!!! This week has been pretty exciting, for many reasons, as you’ll soon find out. If you have the patience or interest to read through this thing. So let’s start with TGIF! In last Friday’s activity, we (the guys) got to ask one of the lovely Link Year ladies out on a date with a $20 budget! I asked out Link Victoria and we went to eat at a café in this really fancy hotel next to the lake. We saw Christmas decorations inside, sat and looked out over the water, and walked around the grounds. It was kinda awesome. I’m nowhere near the best date, but we had fun. After a weekend of hilarious haunted houses and slacking off of homework, I had a super stressful Sunday night. On Monday, Link Selby’s parents ordered a charter bus for all of us students to come down to Tulsa and attend a private concert by Steve Moakler. Their house is beautiful, and Link Selby’s room is covered in pictures, I think mostly from Kanakuk. It’s a little ridiculous, but it is Link Selby. The concert was a lot better than I expected! I really only went to maximize my moments here at Link Year and hang out with my fellow Linkys, but I enjoyed the concert a lot too. The four-hour ride there and back was great as well. We got back around 2 and I was in bed around 10 minutes later. Mostly normal week since then, with Pastor Marvin Daniels speaking to our class on Tuesday  and Wednesday. He spoke on morality, living above the standard of the world, and being “insulated not isolated” from the rest of the world. We got to play a game of sorts where we go to a side of the room based on whether we agree or disagree with a statement, such as “Abortions are bad unless the mother is raped or could die from the pregnancy”. The arguments got pretty deep and intense, but ultimately brought us all closer together as a family. Because once a month we have a work day to make Link Year tuition cheaper, Friday’s TGIF was moved to this morning! We split into groups and went around campus learning various skills such as how to change tires, how to write “Thank You” cards (we wrote some to Link Selby’s parents), and dancing lessons! It was pretty fun, and a lot of our dancing was hilariously atrocious. Overall, a really great week, one that I will certainly look back on at the end of the year. Until next time, later peoples!

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