It’s truly amazing how much can happen in a single week!
Since these are due on Thursday, the really fun things will be the first I talk
about. TGIF, or Thank God It’s Friday. Always a surprise to us students, the
first one was a real treat. We got to play The Hunger Games. I cannot express
with words how excited I was as my fellow Link (everyone’s name is preceded by
Link now) Maria and I stood on our circle, devising a strategy for getting that
pool noodle, to me the most efficient weapon in the cornucopia. Somehow, we
stood at the center, still alive and surrounded by ammunition of water guns,
balloons, and even survival packs in case we needed to run. Long story short,
we would’ve won the game if we were playing king of the hill. But whatevs, we
had fun and dominated for a while. Southpaw!!! After a pretty fun weekend,
involving breaking a washing machine and losing $2 in it, and swing dancing, Monday
we had our first Bible Study and Worldview study. The next few, Islam, Deism,
etc, are going to be so great and beneficial. We will learn about the central
doctrines of these various religions and compare them to our own. I expect this
to be a great thing every time, although the things we went over this week
about Christianity I already knew. It’s always good to recap, though. Which
brings us to the speaker for this week (speakers generally come into our class
Tues-Thurs). Late last week I was studying for our first New City Catechism
quiz, a thing every Wednesday, and I noted that one of the answers was that
nothing happens except through the Lord. I was deeply shaken by this, as I’ve
recently been making a case on a Youtube video entitled “Black Christians=Uncle
Toms”. After reading the statement that nothing happens except through Him, I
thought, “This can’t be true, why would He actively will the enslavement and
torture of millions? And to take it a few steps further, why would He actively
send people to Hell?” After talking through these things with our Link Selby, I
was helped to realized that God’s grace is a gift that not everyone is given,
simply because. His grace is sufficient to save everyone, however, some are
destined to never receive it. I was just getting
used to this when D.A Horton, the executive director at ReachLife Ministries.
He spoke on a lot of different things, but this is only a two page blog, not an
in-depth analysis of the Bible. So I’m going to say that when he talked about
this very thing, I was wrestling with, I knew that God was helping me understand
a bit better. He has a hand in everything, remember? D.A. went on for a while
about this and the main point was that although some see it as God willing
people to eternal suffering, it is more likely that a loving, omniscient God
knows who would’ve rejected Him anyway, and has made things a bit easier for
the rest of us. He also talked about the need for ministry. Everywhere, and not
just the far away part of everywere, but maybe your own home, your
neighborhood, or even within some churches! He knew a kid that had gone to
church often and didn’t know the message of man’s sin and separation! My final
piece of information being moved is the idea of demons possessing people,
ghosts haunting people, and even the friendly grandma wanting her children to receive
a message. We learned that biblically, ghosts don’t exist and dead people
certainly don’t come back to talk to us, as shown by the seer’s surprise when
Saul asked to speak to a dead Samuel and he actually appeared by God’s will.
Demons, however are fallen angels and do exist. They serve our enemy, the one
who hates us, Satan. But because of the Holy Spirit’s influence and presence,
believers are not susceptible to attacks from demons. After D.A. left, the
apologetical questions started and Link Subers was asked why there are innocent
people suffering when God can stop it all? This rung a bell with me, as my
brother asked the same question this past summer. Also I had a similar
question, and I was most prepared for that one. Now I won’t be asked that one next
week, unfortunately. But anyways, the question is flawed. No one is innocent.
We are all vile, disgusting creatures with horrendous thoughts, and sometimes
actions. These are simply the norm here on Earth and are socially acceptable
and even encouraged by our governments. But even though we are not innocent,
doesn’t God love us enough to stop all the suffering? Yes, but because of our
sin, we are pushing away His helping hand, and things are considered sin for a
reason. They bring bad with them! Premarital sex can lead to unwanted
pregnancy, infidelity can lead to disease, stealing and murdering have the obvious
effects as well as causing distress to other people. No sin can cause good, as
well as no bad can come from God. I’ve also been thinking pretty deeply about
this. What stops Hell from being a sinner’s paradise? The small, often
overlooked fact that without the Lord’s influence, we would not take pleasure
in anything. As a small treat for the class on Tuesday, Tedashii came along
with his wife and spoke to us for a while, but I couldn’t stay for the
Apologetics or picture time because of lunch duty. Also, on Monday, I played
sports and even enjoyed myself. I also began working out seriously this week,
and now my body hates me. These last few are my random thoughts over the week,
and I think I may make that a regular thing. A small look into the wonderful,
messy, cluttered place that is my mind.
Until next Thursday, Jamari ;)
P.S. Everyone else's blogs are super organized and mine are all blah and random.
P.P.S. I wanna tell so much more stuff!!!!! But don't wanna be boring and overly random.
EDIT: I called the speaker D.A. Hunter, it's Horton.... awkward...